Technical Report

Detecting inconsistencies in PL/SQL code through software testing methods

This is an addition to the paper I3DE: An IDE for Inspecting Inconsistencies in PL/SQL Code.

1 Background Investigation

PL/SQL is an extension of the SQL language in a DBMS. We have observed that the understanding of PL/SQL by programmers using PL/SQL seems to be inconsistent with its actual implementation in some cases. This stems from the fact that the programmers using PL/SQL and the developers of the PL/SQL engine in the DBMS are usually not in the same group, and there is a discrepancy between the rationale used by the programmers in their understanding and the rationale used by the developers in their design and implementation. There are various reasons for this gap, such as the fact that PL/SQL is designed and implemented by individual DBMS vendors and therefore lacks a unified specification. In addition, the general redundancy of PL/SQL documentation can cause people to abandon understanding through this possible standard. We conducted a questionnaire-based investigation to confirm this observation.

1.1 Questionnaire

The questionnaire of the research is listed below. The questionnaire consisted of seven questions. Q1 was used to identify the role of the researcher, Q2-Q4 were used to determine the level of proficiency of the researcher in the relevant technology, Q5-Q6 were used to determine the source of the experience base of the programmer or developer when dealing with PL/SQL, and Q7 was used to investigate the ability of the researcher to identify the inconsistencies that already existed in PL/SQL.

[Q1] You are a PostgreSQL / openGauss ______:
A. developer
B. programmer
C. both a developer and a programmer

[Q2] Your level of SQL proficiency (0 for not at all familiar, 10 for professional):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

[Q3] Your level of PL/pgSQL proficiency (0 for not at all familiar, 10 for professional):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

[Q4] How long have you been using PL/pgSQL:
A. Less than 1 year
B. 2-5 years
C. 5-10 years
D. More than 10 years

[Q5, display when Q1 = A | C] As a developer, how do you decide the semantics of a PL/pgSQL keyword?
A. I refer to some existing imperative language, such as PASCAL and C.
B. Based on my own understanding of the keyword
C. Other (please list):______

[Q6, display when Q1 = B | C] As a user, how do you learn PL/pgSQL?
A. I have SQL experience and mitigate the experience to PL/pgSQL
B. I learn from existing PL/pgSQL projects or examples
C. I learn from the documentation
D. Other (please list):______

[Q7] How many times will the following PL/pgSQL FOR loop be executed?

  FOR i IN 0.2 .. 1.5 LOOP
    raise notice '%', i;
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
A. 0, the loop will not be executed
B. 1, and variable i will be 1
C. 2, and variable i will be 0, 1
D. 2, and variable i will be 1, 2
E. 3, and variable i will be 0, 1, 2
F. It will report an error
G. Other (please list):______

1.2 Characteristics of the Population

Based on the software open source ecology and community activity, we invited users in PostgreSQL and openGauss communities to participate in our research. The number of valid questionnaires we returned is shown in table below.

Roles PostgreSQL openGauss total
programmer 11 33 44
developer 3 2 5
both a developer and a programmer 5 3 8
total 19 38 57

The statistics of SQL and PL/SQL proficiency for each role are as follows.

programmer developer both a developer and a programmer total
Average SQL proficiency
(Score, 0-10)
5.2 8.4 8.1 5.9
Average PL/SQL proficiency
(Score, 0-10)
2.5 7.6 6.1 3.5
Time of using PL/SQL < 1 year 63.16% 0.00% 3.51% 66.67%
1-5 years 14.04% 1.75% 5.26% 21.05%
5-10 years 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% 5.26%
> 10 years 0.00% 3.51% 3.51% 7.02%

1.3 Sources of PL/SQL Experience

We found that the sources of experience of programmers using PL/SQL and developers developing PL/SQL varied widely.

Role Sources of PL/SQL Experience Proportion
developer I refer to some existing imperative language, such as PASCAL and C. 69.23%
Based on my own understanding of the keyword. 46.15%
Based on documentation. 15.38%
programmer I have SQL experience and mitigate the experience to PL/pgSQL. 76.92%
I learn from existing PL/pgSQL projects or examples 48.08%
I learn from the documentation. 42.31%
I learn from other means (e.g. instructional videos, tutorial blogs, etc.). 5.77%

1.4 Identification of inconsistencies

The percentage of identification inconsistencies is shown in the table below.

group proportion
total 12.28%
developer 30.77%
programmer 5.77%
Higher proficiency in PL/SQL
(>= 5)
Lower proficiency in PL/SQL
(< 5)
PL/SQL longer usage time
(>= 5 years)
PL/SQL shorter usage time
(< 5 years)

The results show that even those who have been using it for a longer period of time and with a higher level of proficiency, some of them are not able to recognise the inconsistencies present in PL/SQL. Even a small percentage of developers could not pinpoint the actual execution performance of PL/SQL containing inconsistencies.

2 Detailed Approach

2.1 Approach Overview

Figure shows the overview of our approach. The steps are annotated with circled numbers (e.g., ① to ⑬). The whole process of the method is divided into three parts: test input generation, equivalent translation based on metamorphic relations and execution of defect detection.

Our approach employs the process of fuzz testing. Steps ① to ⑬ are used to address the problem of test case generation by mutating the initial seed to generate a large number of test cases. Steps ⑤ to ⑧ use the technique of metamorphic testing to address the problem of test oracle. We use a set of equivalence translations from PL/SQL to plain SQL to construct metamorphic relations. Steps ⑨ to ⑬ involve the automatic execution of testing and the automated detection of defects. A pair of PL/SQL and plain SQL programs with the same semantics, as determined by metamorphic relations, are executed and their output is compared. If inconsistencies arise, it indicates the possibility of an inconsistency.

2.2 Input Generation

In order to execute the PL/SQL engine in the DBMS, the collection of test cases input should be a set of executable PL/SQL codes obtained by mutation and their calling statements. A test case is selected from the seed set. In a test case, the executable PL/SQL code is contained in a FUNCTION as shown in Listing 1, and its call is initiated by a SELECT statement with randomly generated parameters. The test input is obtained by the following steps.

(1) Get initial seeds.

Initial seeds are obtained from the open online code repository. Github is selected as the source of the initial seed and crawled projects with PL/SQL language tags through a crawler.

The crawled projects cannot be used as initial seeds directly, and need to undergo the following pre-process to be used as initial seeds available for mutation.

(2) Rebuild data dependencies.

PL/SQL is a programming language in which SQL is tightly integrated with a procedural language. the source of data flow for PL/SQL execution is not only the variables in the procedural language, but also the database that is called when interaction with SQL occurs. The data dependencies required to execute SQL severely affect the successful execution of PL/SQL. But PL/SQL obtained from public code repositories almost always does not provide database dependencies (i.e., statements such as build tables, inserts, etc.).

In order to reconstruct data dependencies, we need to analyze which dependencies are of concern. This method focuses on two types of data dependencies, relational dependencies and function dependencies.

For relational dependencies, relational schema and relations are important components. The relational schema is static and is used to describe the structure of a data table. For a relation R (U, D, dom, F):

PL/SQL does not define these data dependencies, and reconstruction is simply backwards extrapolation from PL/SQL. Therefore, not all data dependencies can be fully reconstructed in theory. On the other hand, some data dependencies can theoretically be obtained from PL/SQL, but the extraction cost is too high to spend too much attempt on them. The relational schema that this method tries to extract include: R, U, D, and some dom, without considering the extraction of F.

As for function dependencies, there are several elements to infer. For a function F (P (UP , DP , domP ), R, B):

When rebuilding function dependencies, only F, DP , domP and R can be extracted from PL/SQL and the rest of the dependencies will be created by random generation.

Missing these data dependencies can cause PL/SQL execution to report errors and affect the effectiveness of fuzzing. Therefore Algorithm 1 extracts these data dependencies from PL/SQL and reconstructs them in the database by building tables and inserting data, etc.To store all type information, we record all known column types and parameter types in ”typeknown”, including the corresponding table name and function name. At the same time, we use the union set to record the equality relationship between types for type passing.To reduce table and function name conflicts in different functions, we use each project as a separate namespace. After rebuilding the table, we insert ten randomly generated legal records into it. An example of rebuilding data dependencies is shown in the Listing.

(3) Create seed set and sample seed.

Seeds that have completed pre-processing and reconstructed their data dependencies will be added to the initial seed set. During the fuzzing process, a seed will be sampled from the seed set and a new test case will be generated by mutation. In order to expand the number of seeds and increase the diversity of seeds in the seed set, new test cases will be added back to the seed set.

(4) Mutate sampled seed.

The diversity of test cases helps to reveal software defects. Mutations are commonly used to generate more test cases and increase the diversity of test cases. Tarimci et al summarized and implemented 44 mutation operators in order to measure the quality of PL/SQL test case collections by mutation testing. Among them, 17 Generic Mutation Operators (GMO) are obtained from mainstream procedural languages (e.g., C, Python, etc.), 21 SQL Mutation Operators (SMO) are designed for SQL, and 6 PL/SQL Mutation Operators (PMO) are designed specifically for PL/SQL.

Our mutation inherited 14 PMOs and all SMOs from this work. The reason for the trade-off is that some of the mutation operators in this work do not fit into the metamorphic relationbased equivalent translation of this work, or that the mutation is clearly not helpful in increasing test case diversity.

In addition, we also expanded an additional 10 PMOs. all supported mutation operators are shown in table.

The mutation operators are scheduled using a random strategy, i.e., a few are randomly selected from all mutation operators to perform the mutation.

(5) Generate parameters randomly.

The SELECT statement is used to call PL/SQL function. For example, the function in Listing 1 is called using the following statement:

SELECT factorial(10);

The real parameters of the function call need to be determined according to the parameter type here. In other words, the task here is to design a set of methods to generate random values by data type.

2.3 Metamorphic Relations Equivalent Translation

(1) Difficulties and challenges in translating from PL/SQL equivalents to SQL

Difficulties and challenges in translating from PL/SQL equivalents to SQL stem almost entirely from the inherent differences between imperative and declarative languages. Specifically, the challenges manifest themselves in the following ways.

(2) The first step from imperative to declarative

The first step from imperative to declarative should be to first address Obstacle 1. It is necessary to find semantically equivalent declarative language construct for each imperative language construct.

We extracted three language constructs of PL/SQL - variable assignment, branch control and loop iteration, as shown in table. In fact this is valid for any procedural language.

The declare structure can be approximated as an initial null value assigned to a new variable. The return structure is supported by a special return value variable, as is the case with PostgreSQL’s internal mechanism. These structures can therefore be classified as assign structures.

In this basic set of metamorphic relationships, for variables in PL/SQL, we use a SELECT query without table to correspond to them. Multiple variables corresponding to the SELECT query are placed separately in the LATERAL clause to complete the join, thus forming an overall query. Unlike the JOIN clause, using the LATERAL clause to complete the join allows columns from one table to be used in another, while maintaining the simplicity and readability of the SQL query. PL/SQL usually has a reference relationship between the calculation and assignment of variables, so the LATERAL clause is a good choice.

For branch control in PL/SQL, one idea of using dataflow as a substitute is to map each control flow to a mutually exclusive clause of phase UNION ALL.

Loop iteration in PL/SQL has long been a semantic construct in SQL that is difficult to handle with relational algebra. Common Table Expressions (CTE) in SQL are named temporary table expressions defined by keyword WITH, whose result sets can be referenced in subsequent queries. A recursive query implemented by WITH RECURSIVE is a type of CTE. It is a complement to the traditional relational algebra and consists of a non-recursive term, a UNION (or UNION ALL) keyword and a recursive term that completes the output by conditionally referencing its own recursive query.

An example of translating the three PL/SQL elements of variable assignment, branch control, and loop iteration to plain SQL is shown in figure.

(3) Single Static Assignment (SSA)

Single Static Assignment (SSA) is an intermediate representation used in the compiler. In SSA, each variable has only one definition point, making the control and data flow of the program very precise and clear. By using ϕ functions in the SSA representation, the compiler can more easily track the control flow of the program, which is important for loops and conditional statements.

SSA distinguishes variables with the same name by numbering them. In addition, SSA normalizes the extensive control flow into the form of if/else and goto, and the code is organized into basic blocks with goto labels. By using SSA as an intermediate representation for translation from PL/SQL to SQL equivalents, obstacles 2 and 3 are solved. An example of conversion from PL/SQL source program to SSA form is shown in figure.

(4) Administrative Normal Form (ANF)

Administrative Normal Form (ANF) is a logically equivalent intermediate representation of the program to SSA and can be converted by the conversion strategy of Chakravarty et al. An example of a conversion is shown in figure.

ANF maps the code blocks in SSA to a series of tail recursive functions that call each other. The block’s sequence of assignment statements is expressed in terms of cascades of let bindings.Variables have indentation level visibility through this cascade of bindings, thus solving obstacle 4.

Although ANF’s LET-IN form of cascade binding facilitates program integration as a whole, the obstacle5 has not been fully addressed. Consider the example of a loop with nested loops in figure, where the red arrow marks the inner nested loop. These inner loops require that multiple additional recursive queries be started afterwards by mapping directly to the SQL recursive queries. And WITH RECURSIVE is defined in the SQL standard as a non-nestable single-level workflow. So barrier 5 still exists to map PL/SQL with nested loops into a single-level WITH RECURSIVE.

A tranpoline() scheduler function is proposed to solve this problem. This dispatch function expands all loop bodies (no matter how nested) into mutually exclusive conditional control branches, while using two dispatch variables to determine branch control (as shown in figure). The scheduling variable call indicates which branch the current round will enter, and this branch represents a loop body before it is expanded. After expansion, each round of recursion ends right at the end of the program, and a decision needs to be made whether to exit only one level of recursion, even though only part of the work may have been done before expansion. Therefore, it is necessary to add an additional dispatch variable rec to indicate whether to continue the recursive query or to exit with the final return value.

(5) The generation of the target SQL

The generation of the target SQL is based on the ANF intermediate representation. In fact, there is already a LETIN cascade binding in ANF similar to the subquery, and all that needs to be done is to complete the equivalent translation using the metamorphic relations in table.

At the time of translation, WITH RECURSIVE is used as the body of the target SQL, and the preparation of the program (variable declarations in PL/SQL DECLARE blocks, etc.) is put into non-recursive items. The parts organized by the trampoline() scheduler will be put into the recursive entries. The branch control statement corresponding to the query statement of phase UNION ALL will be used as the main query. And the variable assignment statements spread all over the PL/SQL control flow will be nested in the corresponding position in the main query as a LATERAL subquery in the FROM clause. An example of translating ANF to the target SQL is shown in figure.

2.4 Execution and Defect Detection

After equivalent translation based on metamorphic relations, PL/SQL and translated plain SQL should have the same semantics and their execution results should be the same without bugs. Therefore, execute PL/SQL test cases and plain SQL test cases separately, and compare the results of both executions. If the results of both appear inconsistent, it indicates a potential bug in the DBMS.

The PL/SQL return value type is very flexible and accommodates any scalar or array data type supported by the server. Any composite type (row type) specified by name or a row type specified by record can also be used as a return value. By specifying the OUT or INOUT keyword in the parameter list, PL/SQL can also pass multiple values back to the caller.

In an RDBMS, the data for a query is usually returned as a table structure. Even though most PL/SQL return values are a scalar, they are presented to the caller in a 1-row, 1-column table. In SQL, the rows in the table are usually not stored in any particular order, so the rows returned by the query are not in a clear order either. When PL/SQL and the equivalent plain SQL return values involve multiple rows, special care needs to be taken to ignore the order of the rows when comparing them, i.e., to consider the multiple rows of the return value as a set rather than a list.

Automatic indicator of potential bugs is one of the important factors in whether fuzzing can be performed automatically. Although this method is able to automatically record details of anomalies found to the log when detecting defects, it still requires a lot of manual inspection and analysis to filter them. This is a common problem of fuzzing work. To reduce manual analysis, we have designed some pre-categorization to help organize as much as possible.

3 Static Inconsistency Patterns

We have collated the 8 inconsistencies we found and classified them into 3 categories. We describe these inconsistencies in detail next.

3.1 Inconsistencies of Presumption

(1) Taking CHAR type parameters for granted

    RAISE NOTICE '%', param;
    RETURN param;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

(2) Different COLLATE in RECURSIVE query terms

        SELECT 1, ''::text
        SELECT n + 1, (SELECT (select tableowner FROM pg_tables LIMIT 1)::text)
        FROM run
        WHERE n < 5

(3) Parameter COLLATE conflict

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION less_than(a text, b text) RETURNS boolean AS $$
    RETURN a < b;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

select less_than(param_1, param_2) from
LATERAL (SELECT 'abc' COLLATE "en_US") AS t_param_1(param_1),
LATERAL (SELECT '123' COLLATE "C") AS t_param_2(param_2);
-- execution result
(1 row)
select less_than('abc' COLLATE "en_US", '123' COLLATE "C");
-- execution error
ERROR:  collation mismatch between explicit collations "en_US" and "C"
LINE 1: select less_than('abc' COLLATE "en_US", '123' COLLATE "C")

3.2 Inconsistencies of Overlook

(1) Non-integer FOR LOOP boundary

  FOR i IN 0.2 .. 1.5 LOOP
    raise notice '%', i;
END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

(2) Non empty VOID return value

-- returns an empty set
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

-- returns a table with 1 empty row
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

3.3 Inconsistencies of Equivocality

(1) Equivocal keyword INTO

-- Inserting query results into a new table in SQL
SELECT column1, column2 INTO new_table FROM source_table WHERE condition;

-- Assigning query results to variables in PL/SQL
SELECT column1, column2 INTO var1, var2 FROM source_table WHERE condition;

(2) Equivocal keyword EXECUTE

-- In SQL, a prepared statement is created and then EXECUTE is used to execute the plan
PREPARE my_plan (integer) AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > $1;
EXECUTE my_plan(50000);

-- In PL/SQL, EXECUTE is used to execute SQL statements directly
    sql_query TEXT;
    result INT;
    sql_query := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000';
    EXECUTE sql_query INTO result;
    -- Here, a dynamic SQL query is executed using PL/pgSQL's EXECUTE and the result is stored in the result variable
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

(3) Equivocal keyword RETURNING

-- The RETURNING clause in SQL is typically used to perform an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation and return the result
-- set of the affected rows. Its semantics are to return the result set of the operation as part of the query in order to
-- retrieve changed data
UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.10 WHERE department = 'Sales' RETURNING first_name, last_name, salary;

-- In PL/SQL, RETURNING is often used in conjunction with INTO to store the result of an operation in a variable. This is
-- because PL/pgSQL is primarily used for writing stored procedures and functions, and it is often necessary to store the
-- results in variables for subsequent operations.
    updated_salary numeric;
    UPDATE employees
    SET salary = salary * 1.10
    WHERE department = 'Sales'
    RETURNING salary INTO updated_salary;

    -- the updated_salary variable here now contains the updated salary value
    -- you can use it in subsequent code

4 User Study

4.1 Judgement of PL/SQL Proficiency

We used a questionnaire that combined a combination of subjective scoring and objective questions to judge users' proficiency in PL/SQL. The content of the questionnaire is as follows.

subjective evaluation by self-evaluation, 10 marks in total

[Q1] Your level of PL/pgSQL proficiency (0 for not at all familiar, 10 for professional):
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

objective evaluation by questions, 10 marks in total

[Q1, Single choice, 1 mark] What type of database programming language is PL/SQL?
A. static programming language
B. dynamic programming language
C. procedural programming language
D. functional programming language

[Q2, Single choice, 1 mark] PL/SQL is commonly used:
A. network security
B. implementation of business logic
C. database backup and recovery
D. front-end user interface design

[Q3, Single choice, 1 mark] Which of the following features is not supported by PL/SQL?
A. conditional branching
B. iterative loop
C. lambda expression
D. variable declaration and assignment

[Q4, Single choice, 1 mark] Which of the following features is not supported by PL/SQL?
A. cursor
B. exception handling
C. calling SQL Statements
D. object-oriented programming

[Q5, Single choice, 1 mark] The range of data types supported by PL/SQL and SQL matches which of the following statements?
A. SQL is a subset of PL/SQL
B. PL/SQL is a subset of SQL
C. The two are intertwined
D. They don't intersect

[Q6, Single choice, 1 mark] Where can I declare a variable in PL/SQL?
A. at the beginning of the programme
B. anywhere in the programme
C. in the DECLARE block
D. through the VARIABLE keyword

[Q7, Multiple choice, 0.5 mark for each option, 2 marks in total] Where can I declare a variable in PL/SQL?
A. GOTO statement
B. custom data types
C. returns a table structure
D. compiler-based optimisation

[Q8, Multiple choice, 0.5 mark for each option, 2 marks in total] The following statement is correct?
A. The PL/SQL compiler and execution engine is based on a C implementation.
B. PL/SQL, like C/C++ and Java, natively supports excellent single-step debugging, call stack and other debugging features.
C. PL/SQL is an extension of SQL, and in the case of PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL is independent of the DBMS core as an extension module.
D. PL/SQL, like SQL, has a unified international standard, and the PL/SQL syntax implemented by each vendor following the standard is the same.

4.2 Grouping Method

We categorised the participants into control and experimental groups based on their PL/SQL proficiency in Section 4.1. The grouping ensured 2 points:

Due to the disparity in PL/SQL familiarity across participants, assigning participants to the two groups in descending order of familiarity would result in the group assigned first having an overall higher level of familiarity than the other group. Therefore, we assigned participants in a serpentine grouping method, i.e., position 1 was assigned to the experimental group, positions 2,3 were assigned to the control group, positions 4,5 were assigned to the experimental group, and so on.

4.3 User Study Tasks

We designed 3 tasks corresponding to 3 types of PL/SQL inconsistencies.

(1) Presumption

-- Fill in the blank of the procedure.
-- Consider an information system in which identity privileges are
-- assigned according to the first character of the account number,
-- with 1 being the supervisor.
-- The following procedure determines whether a user is a
-- non-supervisor by passing in the user's account number
-- and, if so, issues an alert.
CREATE FUNCTION giveAlert(account CHAR) RETURNS boolean AS $$
  IF _____ != '1' THEN              -- fallacy: account
    raise notice 'GIve an alert!';  -- correct: account::CHAR
    RETURN true;
    RETURN false;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

(2) Overlook

-- Fill in the blank of the procedure.
-- The following procedure awards prizes to the top i individuals
-- by passing in the total_num and the percentage of the prize.
CREATE FUNCTION award(total_num int, percentage float)
  RETURNS int AS $$
  var_last_prize INT;  -- fallacy: total_num * percentage
BEGIN                  -- correct: FLOOR(total_num * percentage)
  FOR i IN 1 .. _____ LOOP
    raise notice 'Prize for the person with ranking %', i;
    var_last_prize = i;
  RETURN var_last_prize;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

(3) Equivocality

-- Indicate the result of running the procedure.
-- There's a table tb_employee(col_id, col_salary) in current DBMS.
-- col_id, col_salary are INT type.
-- Now expect the col_salary column to be written to the new table
-- salary_backup.
  SELECT col_salary INTO tsalary_backup FROM tb_employee;
END;                 -- fallacy: treat tsalary_backup as a table
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- correct: treat tsalary_backup as a variable

4.4 Complete with ChatGPT

We attempted to solve the tasks presented in Section 4.3 using generative grand models. The results show that generative macromodels usually require deeper extremely leading questions on these tasks to get the correct answers. This proves the effectiveness of our tool.

Note: We conducted the experiment using ChatGPT on 29 November 2023, and subsequent replications of this experiment may not yield the same answers as the ChatGPT model is updated.

(1) Presumption


Programmer: Please fill in the PL/pgSQL code blanks below: [Task 1 Code]
ChatGPT4: account
Programmer: An account starting with 1, account='10000', then account ! = '1' is true or false?
ChatGPT4: PostgreSQL will truncate this value to fit into the single character field. The account will actually only store '1'. Therefore, in this case, account != '1' would be false because account will only contain '1' after the assignment account = '10000' in a CHAR(1) or simply CHAR field.
Author's Note: This is incorrect knowledge and does not correspond to what PL/pgSQL actually is!
Programmer: So what should be filled in the blanks in the PL/pgSQL code?
ChatGPT4: LEFT(account, 1) or account::CHAR


Programmer: Please fill in the PL/pgSQL code blanks below: [Task 1 Code]
ChatGPT4: account
Programmer: An account starting with 1, account='10000', then account ! = '1' is true or false?
ChatGPT4: PostgreSQL will truncate this value to fit into the single character field. The account will actually only store '1'. Therefore, in this case, account != '1' would be false because account will only contain '1' after the assignment account = '10000' in a CHAR(1) or simply CHAR field.
Author's Note: This is incorrect knowledge and does not correspond to what PL/pgSQL actually is!
Programmer: So what should be filled in the blanks in the PL/pgSQL code?
ChatGPT4: LEFT(account, 1) or account::CHAR

(2) Overlook


Programmer: Please fill in the PL/pgSQL code blanks below: [Task 2 Code]
ChatGPT3.5: total_num * percentage
Programmer: Does your answer make the PL/pgSQL code inconsistent in any way?
ChatGPT3.5: ROUND(total_num * percentage)
Programmer: Is it appropriate to use ROUND?


Programmer: Please fill in the PL/pgSQL code blanks below: [Task 2 Code]
ChatGPT4: ROUND(total_num * percentage)
Programmer: Is it appropriate to use ROUND?

(3) Equivocality


Programmer: What would be the result of executing the following PL/pgSQL code? [Task 3 Code]
ChatGPT3.5: It attempts to use a SELECT INTO statement without specifying a target variable


Programmer: What would be the result of executing the following PL/pgSQL code? [Task 3 Code]
ChatGPT4: Incorrect Use of SELECT INTO: The SELECT INTO statement in PL/pgSQL is used to assign values to variables, not to insert data into tables.


TJU Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab.

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